Dennis Prager on Why the Democrats use 12-year-olds
To understand modern liberalism and its political party, it is vital to understand Democrats' desire to blur any distinctions between child and adult. Ever since the 1960s, liberalism has been largely a movement dominated by children (of every age).
I enjoyed meeting Democrats last week. Many are people I would be happy to have as neighbors. But compared to Republicans, liberals and Democrats are often adults who do not wish to grow up. When George W. Bush was elected, I felt as if adults would now run the country after the adolescent-like President Clinton.
Liberals and Democrats are not comfortable with adult-child distinctions. They therefore frequently treat and regard children as adults and frequently treat and regard adults as children.
That is why liberals do not generally want children to call adults "Mr." or "Mrs."
Such titles render adults distinct from children.
That is why liberal teachers often dress and talk similarly to their students and ask to be called by their first names.
That is why liberals led the fight to lower the voting age to 18 and why California Democrats are now seeking to lower it further (as low as 14).
That is why liberal educators worked to enable students to design college curricula. To many liberals, a 55-year-old professor does not know anything more than a 20-year-old about what students should be studying.
That is why liberals don't worry about protecting children's innocence as much as conservatives do. The early sexualization of children is therefore not a problem to liberal educators. In a nutshell, the differing views of childhood innocence are what the battles over sex education in elementary schools, condom distribution in high schools and AIDS education in fourth grade are all about.
It is therefore not surprising that the Democrats invited a 12-year-old girl to address their convention.
First, the politicization of children is no more a problem to most Democrats and liberals than is children's sexualization.
There's lots more.
The Democratic Party is as shameless as it is immature.
Shameless in its exploitation of children. And shameless in its hypocrisy. The Democratic candidate for president, John Kerry, used the same "f-word" in a public interview in Rolling Stone magazine -- a far more serious matter than using it privately.
And that is why a 12-year-old know-it-all stole the Democrats' show.
They already have a theme song. Tim Blair noted even tthe Democrat convention phrase, "Help is on the Way!" was familiar.
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