Wednesday, August 25, 2004

McGreevey is a cover

It becomes clearer every day why James McGreevey outed himself. Read Leonard Pitts Jr. column. Bolding mine.
James McGreevey is not a hero.

To the contrary, news reports on the embattled New Jersey governor detail an administration so steeped in corruption that one feels a need to wash one's hands after reading them.

We're talking allegations and indictments on a range of extortion, blackmail and conflict of interest charges involving the governor's supporters and his administration.

That's all that he says about McGreevey corruption in the entire column, the rest of which is devoted to being gay. What we are finding out is that McGreevey's so-called "gayness" gives journalists a cover for not delving into this "administration so steeped in corruption. . . "

What corruption? Judging from the media there isn't any unless you count the few stories that manage to be printed. What McGreevey's self-outing does is provide a cover so the media can spike stories about the corruption in New Jersey and collude to prevent a focus on the gangsters that run New Jersey. At least until after the election. Then, I suspect McGreevey-is-evil will be the crowning achievement of their investigative abilities. Just remember when they do, that McGreevey and the other New Jersey mob had cover for years from an obliging media.

What corruption?
(Typical of the Star Ledger, most of their links don't work.)
And Kushner

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