Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Unaccountable bureaucracy

David Warren on the 60th anniversary of the U.N. and the summit at Turtle Bay this last week.

While dictators in the Third World, and liberal politicians and pressure groups in the West, continue to affirm some mysterious “moral authority”, the reality is that the UN has evolved into a gargantuan lobby to resist the spread of democracy and constitutional government, protect established criminal behaviour, and advance utopian projects that no electorate on the surface of the earth has ever supported.

Warren is an elegant writer. And he has a surprising problem with the U.N.

But think about his points for a moment - the UN has become a gargantuan lobby
- to resist the spread of democracy and constitutional government
- to protect established criminal behavior, and
- advance utopian projects no electorate has ever supported.

About sums it up, doesn't it?

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