Saturday, September 10, 2005

Fed up

Some days I get angry enough to spit and I have just about had it with bloggers piling on the blame game. The following is my response to a Bainbridge post.

I really find this emphasis on the delay of one or two days ridiculous. People were discomforted and the 24-hour news cycle played up their plight as piteous, complete with ranting anchors competing with the mayor for the Katrina Hysteria Award given to the person most Caring About Blacks as the evacuees sat around looking like newly- released slaves.

The fact is that in Los Angeles we are told we must rely on ourselves for 7 days. Does that mean we are being discriminated against or is that a resonable expectation? I mean, if they got something against us white folks, let us know now.

That's how silly this argument has become. Michael Brown was a weak link, unable to defend himself, and even the faithful like me acknowledge it. Was he negligent in his duties? We will have to see won't we? As of now, we have no facts, but it doesn't stop a lot of bloggers from competing for that Most Caring About Blacks Award.

Three years ago did you care that 30% of New Orleans blacks were in poverty? Heck no. Did you care that their government was so corrupt that the Dept. of Justice has a full-time corruption office there? Do you care that the Times Picayne presents the came corrupt candidates over and over?

I'll believe you care a darn when two years from now you still read the Times Picayne and are angry.

Until then, get a grip, folks and start acting like responsible adults who could actually be role models for self-reliance.

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