Sunday, September 18, 2005

Marxist Utopia

The Marxist utopia of Zimbabwe is promising to rid the country of white "filth." This is, of course, not racist. While white farmers have been beaten to death and their farms expropriated, this is readjustment for historical improverishment of blacks. Any claims for the expropriations are hereby annulled. As should it be for a Marxist utopia.

A new blog noted by Powerline is Eye on the UN . Proof positive that Zimbabwe is the Marxist utopia most MSM dream of and proof they are not racist is the fact that Zimbabwe rates 31st in human rights violations whiel the evil U.S.A. rates 4th as a major violator (91 violations), only behind Israel (274 violations) and Sudan (122 violations) and the Democratic Republic of the congo (120 violations.) Even the international assassinating Syria only has 31 violations.

1 comment:

car said...

This is great stuff! Why is it our commie liberal press won't tell us these facts? Do they fear the truth or are they so drugged out they can no longer no any serious journalism!