Sunday, September 11, 2005

Terror war all but forgotten on home front

The incomparable Mark Steyn. [emphasis mine]
Terror war all but forgotten on home front: "Four years ago, I thought the 'war on terror' was a viable concept. To those on the right who scoffed that you can't declare war on a technique, I pointed out that Britain's Royal Navy fought wars against slavery and piracy and were largely successful. Of course, since then we've had the shabby habit of presidents declaring a 'war on drugs' and a 'war on poverty' and, with hindsight, that corruption of language has allowed Americans to slip the war on terror into the same category -- not a war in the sense that a war on Fiji or Belgium is a war, but just one of those vaguely ineffectual aspirational things that don't really impinge on you that much except for the odd pointless gesture -- like the shoe-removing ritual before you board a flight at Poughkeepsie.
"that corruption of language has allowed Americans to slip the war on terror into the same category.." How very true.

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