Sunday, March 26, 2006

Los Angeles Times rewriting history

The Los Angeles Times revising history.

If you live or work in Los Angeles then you know the logistics of gathering that many people had to take an extraordinary effort.  At a guess - it was a union play that involved a good many buses.   Few people live downtown, the mass transit is ineffective, there are no major shopping areas, little weekend foot traffic, few reasons to be there on a weekend.   It's the same reason why Los Angeles doesn't have parades downtown.  Who would come?  Which makes any gathering suspect.   I know from experience.

I was downtown several years ago for jury duty and went the Saturday before to check out parking.  I came upon a Jesse Jackson rally for some issue or another.  Avoiding the street, I turned two blocks in another direction and there they were -- some 20 or 30 buses lined up on each side of the street, bumper to bumper, out of camera range.   You can imagine how much that cost someone.  

So, too, with the rally in Los Angeles.  This was no spontaneous outpouring.   The question is, who paid for it?   Who bought all those new American and Mexican flags?   My guess is that the service industries and the janitorial industry unions were, no doubt, looking to make a massive statement.   Too bad it will backfire spectacularly and with good reason.

Most illegals who are not unionized will be horrified by the display fearing rightfully that it will direct more inspection their way.   Most legals who carefully abide by the law are unhappy with unlimited illegal immigration for the effect it has on lowering their wages.

But the real reason for the rally is the union fear that some sort of guest worker program that actually enforces immigration laws will wreck their tidy economy of taking $40 or $50 a week from people who serve as janitors and manual labor in Los Angeles.  Losing that revenue flow has got to be a terrifying prospect for the unions.   If only 200,000 of the crowd were illegal and known to be by the unions, the loss would represent $8 to $10 million a week.

Of course, if the Los Angeles Times employed investigative journalists and not just Stepford hacks, they could have interviewed the crowd and found out how they came to be there.   They could have found out how they traveled to the rally.   They could have investigated recent sales of American and Mexican flags.   But the Los Angeles Times isn't in the news business.   Our MSM is in the collaboration business.

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