Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Disney and Pixar

More like a merger than an acquisition despite the headline: "Disney to Acquire Pixar for $7.4 Billion" It's a stock deal = Disney will issue 2.3 shares for each share of Pixar stock. Steve Jobs will be given a position on the Disney board. Pixar Exec. VP will become chief creative officer of the animal studios and -- more importantly -- principal creative advisor at Walt Disney Imagineering. Pixar President will serve as president of the combined Pixar and Disney animation studios. Steve Jobs who owned 50.6% of Pixar will now own 6% of Disney - one of the largest single stockholders.

A Reuters story put it in perspective. "Disney also will surrender control of its world-famous animation studio, the birthplace of Mickey Mouse, to Pixar creative chiefs, Ed Catmull and John Lasseter."

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