Sunday, July 17, 2005

Why we call it the La La Times

PATTERICO efficiently skewers the Los Angeles Times for altering a story. It's deliciously documented. A must read.

MEANWHILE, Ken Reich, former LA Times reporter, (His own breathless third person description of himself: "He graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Darthmouth College in 1960....") has a blog. He warns Time magazine editor-in-chief Pearlstein of the his error of his ways. "His obituary will have this high," Reich intones. "He might as well resign now, because he has achieved everything he will in journalism.?" For the crime of? -- not supporting Judith Miller against the "Fascist Novak." I kid you not. "Fascist Novak." He uses the term twice in two different articles. (Historical note of interest - all confirmed Lefties are prone to call opponents Fascists. It is the last totalitarianism they opposed and only because the Spanish fascist totalitarians were fighting their beloved Communist totalitarians.)

That's nothing compared to his reaction to the London terrorist attacks, folks. I think perhaps covering those earthquakes and volcanoes off and on for 25 years might have distorted his vision of reality because it's the only way to explain his hysterical rants on the Plame Blame case and why he thinks Judith Miller is a political prisoner and Judge Hogan is becoming "another Molotov, another Beris, and [a]nother of those cursed individuals who stand against freedom." Mind you, Judge Hogan stands against freedom, but Ken Reich wants to strip Pakistan of its independence and turn them over to the U.N. Go figure.

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