Friday, July 22, 2005

CJR blog

If anyone had any doubts that the Columbia Journalism Review is Left, then their Blog report on Hitchens and Condolezza Rice will dispel the carefully crafted image that they are impartial.

Hitchens' "seemingly unconditional support for the war in Iraq and the Bush administration" surprises CJR. They had no objection, however, when he was a dependable leftie: (their description) ". . . really, hasn't Hitchens always been something of a verbose blowhard -- albeit formerly with a socialist, slightly Trotskyite bent? He's just switched sides."

Yeah, and they loved him when he was. And what does that say about CJR's leanings? But their criticism of Condolezza Rice really nails their agenda. (scroll down)

You know what the real beauty of the internet is? The Lefties who have been supported and shielded from public view by an obliging MSM are now highly visible. THEY don't have the same need as the MSM to hide their leftwing sympathies and support. Or their ineptness. It's like reading a college newspaper without a faculty advisor to supply the maturity.

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