Sunday, July 31, 2005

The viciousness of the left

As a criticism, it's petty, but, then, the Left depends more on sheer hatred to energize them than any concern with fairness, or even, grace. Ken Reich has had a lot to say about departing Los Angeles Times editorial editor Michael Kinsley, none of it good. He reserves the best for Kinsley's departure.
He didn't answer his phone or answer many of his e-mails.
Presumably, those are emails from Ken and emails from his fellow Leftists.

The other criticisms are equally petty. The one that really counts though is the "was an ersatz rather than a real liberal." Real liberal, meaning, raving left-of-Lenin, a good example of which is to advocate this bizarre idea.
Pakis[t]an independence should be cancelled by the United Nations Security Council and that country placed under a UN Trusteeship until such time as training camps for terrorists be closed in that country.
That's Ken's idea. But, then, Ken Reich thinks Judith Miller is a political prisoner.

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