Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Bombings

Four separate bomb blasts in London this morning have shattered the illusion that the UK would be immune to terrorism, primarily due to their tolerant muslim immigration policies. Admittedly, the attacks were fairly mild, the death toll minor compared to what the casualty rates could have been, might have been, if the terrorists had wanted thousands of deaths. They would only have to target a single soccer or other sporting event to do that. This was a demonstration of solidarity of a cause.

Naturally, those on the Left will insist it is because of the U.K.'s participation in the war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. But, then the Left is so blinded by their hatred that they are irrational at best, deluded always, and miserably, selfishly hateful at all times, that they are irrelevant to any rational discussion. Anyone could make just as persuasive an argument that the French encouraged the bombing because they lost the Olympics bid. In the end, the only known fact will be that the terrorists are probably islamofascists who hate everything Western, a blinding hatred greatly encouraged by the Left in general, the French who despise anything not French, and every disfunctional Arab country eager to focus the fanatacism of their disaffected youth on other, more distant, targets.

In the meantime, Americans everywhere are devastated by the attacks. For most of us, London is, in our hearts, a second home, one where the soul migrates to find enduring historical roots. An attack on London is an attack on us. We share more than the English language. We share a common history, shared values, and, once, Christian values. In the last fifteen years the British seem to have lost their way, a detour in history toward socialism, a denial of their own proud heritage, a reversal of their independence and entrepeneurship and a diminished spirit. Much of what I admired about the British is no longer part of the British character. Instead, sadly, I think of holligans and hateful Leftwing politicians and destructive immigration policies that threaten to eliminate a culture that was once the envy of the world. I think of political correctness that negates much of our human learning experience and common sense solutions, and the disease of multiculturalism that make all things equal, good and bad. And I think of the cries of "institutional racism" that form a thin excuse to thin the ranks of authority and supplant it with ideologues, all promoted by the disgrace of the BBC that has degenerated into Pravda-like propagranda.

No bombs, no terrorist attack, no assault on Britain can be as destructive as secularism, socialism, and apathy have been to the U.K.


Anonymous said...

Much as I am devastated and enraged by the London bombings I entirely and thoroughly disagree with your comments, they appear as hate filled and irrational as those who no doubt committed the atrocity. Hatred only fuels such events, it can never put a halt to them. I am an English woman and a Southerner, I lived just 30 miles outside of London for 19 years of my life, I love it and I love the people, all of them, the Blacks, the Chinese, the Jews, the French, the Italians, the Muslims, the list could continue for a long time as London is so multicultural, I love them because they are all Londoners, all my people and that goes for the whole world. We are all each others people, because we are all human, I am proud of my country and it's values, I am proud to be a citizen of the world and I will not give in to hatred or the instinct to deride those who commit such inhuman acts, they are people too. They might be deluded and filled with irrational hatred, but like those Londoners they are all my people and I will love them as it is the only way to make any change at all. You cannot hate what cannot be changed by hatred. I think you have spoken in the moment and need to think through your words, they are not constructive nor useful in this time. For the sake of those who have died in this horrendous attack and in the attacks on 9/11 and ALL other attacks, we MUST resist hatred and reactionary thinking, it is the will of those who create such horrors that we hate, that we become embittered. We are all capable of becoming as they and therefore we must be utterly resistant. I'm not a hippy, or a bleeding heart, I am not an innocent who has seen nothing of evil, but I would urge you to rid yourself of your hatred and learn a different way, for only then will we be victorious against those who would use their hatred to make us all hate and their intolerance to make us all as intolerant as they.

Anonymous said...

Much as I am devastated and enraged by the London bombings I entirely and thoroughly disagree with your comments, they appear as hate filled and irrational as those who no doubt committed the atrocity. Hatred only fuels such events, it can never put a halt to them. I am an English woman and a Southerner, I lived just 30 miles outside of London for 19 years of my life, I love it and I love the people, all of them, the Blacks, the Chinese, the Jews, the French, the Italians, the Muslims, the list could continue for a long time as London is so multicultural, I love them because they are all Londoners, all my people and that goes for the whole world. We are all each others people, because we are all human, I am proud of my country and it's values, I am proud to be a citizen of the world and I will not give in to hatred or the instinct to deride those who commit such inhuman acts, they are people too. They might be deluded and filled with irrational hatred, but like those Londoners they are all my people and I will love them as it is the only way to make any change at all. You cannot hate what cannot be changed by hatred. I think you have spoken in the moment and need to think through your words, they are not constructive nor useful in this time. For the sake of those who have died in this horrendous attack and in the attacks on 9/11 and ALL other attacks, we MUST resist hatred and reactionary thinking, it is the will of those who create such horrors that we hate, that we become embittered. We are all capable of becoming as they and therefore we must be utterly resistant. I'm not a hippy, or a bleeding heart, I am not an innocent who has seen nothing of evil, but I would urge you to rid yourself of your hatred and learn a different way, for only then will we be victorious against those who would use their hatred to make us all hate and their intolerance to make us all as intolerant as they.