Monday, July 25, 2005

Fruitless dig by Rove-ing reporters?

Even a member of the MSM can get it right sometimes.
Rove-aphobia is one of those summer stories that Washington cooks up when there's nothing else to do. You could go on vacation for two weeks and never even miss it or care about it when you get home.

Meanwhile, a lot of the press is trying to lynch someone without evidence. Rove, loathed by the left for masterminding the Bush defeat of John Kerry, is accused of leaking the name of a double-secret CIA agent to get even with the spy's husband, who had criticized Bush in a New York Times op-ed column.

Except that she was no undercover agent when the leak occurred. 'Jane Bond' and her husband were so Maxwell Smart 'secret,' they posed for Vanity Fair celebrity photos. And it looks like Rove never revealed her name. He only offered a helpful tip to a Time magazine reporter - who repaid the favor by trashing Rove. Classy guy.

The story is more tangled than a plate of linguini, but under the clam sauce, it's all overcooked.
Bush is scorched in the New York Times three times a day. We're supposed to believe Rove risked jail and disgrace to get even for one lame op-ed?

When they thought they had Rove up a tree, the Democrats and their media pack were baying for blood. But when reporters became a target of the special prosecutor, the scandal hounds rolled over and played dead.
Read it all. He has more to say, including why he doesn't support a shield law for the media and won't sign a petition on behalf of Judith Miller.

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