Sunday, July 24, 2005

Sob story journalism

It's actually more than sob story journalism when the Guardian offers up "A very ordinary journey to death" ("Guardian writers trace the life and last minutes of Jean Charles de Menezes") and six other stories in the same vein. But it is below the scroll to find "Police fear fifth bomber at large."

Admittedly the Guardian's target audience is twenty-somethings. Who else would actually read Polly Toynbee without laughing outloud? And it is pandering to their audience to gain sympathy for the "victim". Victimology is very big with the Left, except if you are a Rwandan or maybe a non-muslim Sudanese, or a necklaced South African, or a victim of Mad Robert Marxist Mugabe, or a Russian school child, or a dissident Cuban, or a non-Sunni Iraqi, or anyone who actually is a victim of leftwing politics. It does, however, tell you that the Guardian is groping for something, anything, to plant themselves firmly against rationality. Again. Even Ken Livingstone has some common sense.

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