Monday, March 21, 2005

The very un-Christian Christian Science Monitor that long ago opted out of the conservative column, has dire warnings for Congress because of their principled stand on the Schiavo case:
But members of Congress who voted in favor of intervening may face some political cost. An ABC News poll taken Sunday showed strong opposition to the law; 70 percent of those polled said Congress should not have gotten involved. And by a margin of 67 percent to 19 percent, most Americans think Congress acted more for political advantage than out of concern for Schiavo or for the principles involved.
Apparently this is a popularity contest. There are no principles involved, no validation of the value of human life. No sirree!! It's entertainment as judged by ABC News.

We are now engaged in a great national debate. Whether the entertainment-obsessed MSM will determine our national agenda as proposed by Hollywood: legalized drugs, gay marriage, gay adoptions, euthanasia, abortion on demand, "right to die" -- (soft euthanasia) and the end to capital punishment. Or whether the national agenda will be set by us through our duly elected legislators.

I, for one, don't give a damn what Rosie O'Donnell, the Un-Christian Monitor, or an ABC poll say. And I think Peggy Noonan should actually worry a little less about winning or losing political battles and start thinking about what a genuine national debate, sans the MSM as filters, can mean. To all of us.

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