Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Only people as clueless as an Associated Press writer could ponder this: Motive Sought in Minn. School Rampage

Save your brain, you stupid writer. The kid was an evil bastard. Looking for motive is the theurapetic approach to crime, fostered by decades of psychologists and psychiatrists overselling their services. It really is that simple: the kid was an evil bastard and it is a shame that someone didn't take him out before he killed people far better than he was.

Some time the AP should look up the word motive and use it correctly. It isn't as though they can prosecute the kid; he's dead. But having gotten a free pass from the liberal nutcases on the U.S. Supreme Court led by Anthony Kennedy, the kid would, had he lived, be assured that, like that constant refrain from a diet remedy: "It's not your fault." and you can't be held responsible.
UPDATE: Michelle Malkin has a lot on the killer. Neal Boortz has a lot to say and he's right.

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