Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Four Mounties are blamed for dying.


Mark said...

So sad...all just young guys too. One had a 2 year old with one on the way.

It's too bad the Liberals keep getting elected. There is certainly no love lost there!

But then again, what do you expect when the left wing (NDP) is way to socialist and void of meaning for the average Canadian and the right wing (Conservative Party) are religious zealots with somewhat conservative fiscal policies treading too heavily on the social freedoms that most Canadians cherish.

I just wish there was some better middle ground so the Liberals would be do arrogant and wasteful.

Mediaskeptic said...

The Republican party in the U.S. was similarly handicapped as your conservative (non-Liberal) parties. The liberal branch of the Republican party was run by Nelson Rockefeller-funded liberals since the 1960s. So our choice in elections was, Liberals or Pretend Conservatives funded by liberals. It has been a long and hard struggle to ease the golf club conservatives to the door.

Your new Conservative party is struggling to do the same thing - rid themselves of their compromised core. (The NPD is crackpot no matter who they align with.)

I don't believe your Conservative Party are religious zealots any more than I believe George Bush is. You don't have to believe in God to have morals or to take a stand on an issue. Good people can agree to disagree, find a middle ground, compromise as men and women of good will do, find harmony, and get on with life.

Mose people cherish social freedoms but advancing them is more of function of approval of the electorate, not dispensed freedom by fiat. What MPs giveth, MPs can taketh away. Several polls suggest the Liberals are too liberal for most Canadians. Are the Canadian majority all religious zealots, bigots, or outright racists? That's a sweeping condemnation but that's what Liberals believe of anyone who doesn't agree with them.

Canada is desperately in need of a little fiscal reform. Few places in the world outside of Africa have such a poor climate for investment than Canada, primarily due to the Liberal policy of high taxation, burdensome regulation and gotcha grandstanding. It will be even worse with the Kyoto agreements. You will see capital flight.

The sad truth but recognizable reality is: There is no middle ground with ideologues, sorry to say. We have found out in our country that it is the Liberal's way or no way. They do not compromise. They can't. Because liberalism in government means power. And that's all they stand for. Not cherished social freedoms. The Ad scandals and the gun registry and every single scandal ought to tell you that about the Liberal party, our American Democrat Party and the U.N. You really want these people guaranteeing your freedoms?