Saturday, March 19, 2005


From the Washington Post, comes this startling revelation.
Secretary General Kofi Annan on Monday will propose establishing new rules for the use of military force, adopting a tough anti-terrorism treaty that would punish suicide bombers, and overhauling the United Nation's discredited human rights commission, according to a confidential draft of a report on U.N. reform.
Who knew that the UN was not opposed to suicide bombers before?!!! Who knew that the UN Human Rights Commision was discredited?!!! None of us if you judge from MSM stories on the topics.

Strange isn't it what our MSM withholds? Like any knowledge of the weaknesses of communism till after it fell, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the totalitarianism of Fidel Castro who still imprisons people for their writings, the fact that Nelson Mandela is a Marxist (and in good company with Fidel, Pol Pot, Robert "kill the white farmers" Mugabe), that Mandela's wife was involved in the torture and murder of a 14-year old?, that Yassir Arafat was a gangster and a crook and a serial murderer, that the IRA and Sinn Fein were one and the same and both were drug running, murdering thugs who terrorize the very people they purport to represent? Odd isn't it how the MSM always errs on the side of despotism, whether at the UN or Saddam Hussein or French perfidity around the globe? Amazing coincidence or agenda? You've got to be kidding if you think the former.

The MSM reports the story. They never dwell on it. Not say, like important stuff like George Bush's National Guard service. As Howard Rosenberg, Los Angeles Times media critic says, "The media doesn't tell you what to think. They tell you what to think about."

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