Tuesday, March 29, 2005

This BBC headline does the BBC no credit. Annan cleared over oil-for-food The report did not state he was cleared. It said there was no proof. It also stated that three years worth of records were destroyed.

Those missing records? Jed Babbin, writing in the American Spectator observes .
Iqbal Riza -- who was Kofi Annan's chief of staff until recently -- ok'ed the shredding of all of his "chronological files" for 1997-1999. Riza did this on April 22, 2004: one day after the Security Council passed Resolution 1538, blessing the appointment of the Volcker investigation panel. The destruction of these files continued for almost eight months, until about December 7, 2004. It's to be expected that Riza's files were, in fact, Annan's. A U.N. Secretary General wouldn't keep his own files: his chief of staff, Riza, would do that for him. So whatever went into Riza's shredders, for eight months, must have detailed Annan's actions, conversations, meetings, and memos for the critical period when the Oil-for-Food program was turned into the Oil-for-Food-for-Bribes-for-Weapons scam that stole tens of billions of dollars of oil, bribed men and nations, and corrupted the U.N. to a degree that is utterly historic. No wonder Volcker can't find a paper trail indicating Annan did anything wrong.
A long time ago the BBC had some credibility. Now, like most of the MSM, they spend most of their time covering their own collaboration with despots and crooks. One could be forgiven for thinking that the MSM corrupts everything and every one they touch.

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