Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Voice of the Left. Whenever anyone quotes Jim Muller and calls him "a physician who battled nuclear weapons," they are being as disingenuous about his leftwing history as he is himself in claiming his "Voice of the Faithful" is a grassroots organization dedicated to reforming the Catholic Church.

This hack job leftwing group is a successor to the anti-war, anti-bomb, ant-west groups of the 1980s. If you needed no more evidence, his interview with the Cinncinnati Enquirer is a media/leftwing collaborative effort. The Enquirer gave the VOTF Cincinnati chairperson a guest column because of the great support of the population -- all 15 of em.

1 comment:

Rudy Carrera said...

Thanks for speaking up on this, and I enjoy your blog quite a bit.