Thursday, September 16, 2004

Hearing from the grownups

The Wall Street Journal on "A Media Watershed."
However the flap over CBS and those National Guard 'memos' turns out, the past few weeks mark a milestone in U.S. media and politics. Along with the Swift Boat Veterans' ads, the widespread challenge to Dan Rather's reporting -- to his credibility -- means that the liberal media establishment has ceased to set the U.S. political agenda.

This is potentially a big cultural moment. For decades liberal media elites were able to define current debates by all kicking in the same direction, like the Rockettes. Now and then they can still pull this off, as when they all repeated the same Pentagon-promoted-torture line during the Abu Ghraib uproar. But the last month has widened cracks in that media monopoly that have been developing for some time.

Good overview, lucid writing (compare it to the Editor & Publisher weed-is-good writing) and a great conclusion, none of which the MSM will listen to or heed.

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