Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Peter Worthington, writing for the Toronto Sun, "Plea for alliance"
What would make headway in the war is if the U.S. and Russia became formal, working allies, along with Britain, Australia, Poland and other countries of courage. Civilization is at stake.

It is known that al-Qaida is involved in Chechnya, and in the Russian school massacre. Al-Qaida has long been rooted in the Balkans -- active against Macedonia, embedded in Kosovo and Bosnia. The U.S. and Germany foolishly helped create an artificial Islamic state (Bosnia) in the Balkans, against the wishes of Serbs and Croats, whose genetic memories go back to the Turkish occupation.

There'll be more terror attacks before the threat diminishes. Which is why an alliance of Russia and the U.S. may give courage to those of the civilized world who quiver in fear and indecision.

Read it all.

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