Sunday, July 25, 2004

Dutch State 'paying for Iraq's mustard gas'

The Dutch government bailed out a Dutch chemical country that supplied Saddam Hussein with mustard gas chemicals. Link

In 1985, Melchemie exported base chemicals for the production of mustard gas to Iraq for EUR 1 million. The Arnhem-based company was never paid by Iraq, but was later relieved of the debt by the Dutch government via export credit insurance. The government then took over the Iraqi account. . .

Melchemie was found guilty in 1987 of supplying four base mustard gas chemicals to Iraq. In March 1988, more than 4,000 Kurdish people were killed by a deadly gas in the Iraq city Halabja, but a direct link between the Melchemie-exported materials and the gas used has never been proven.
No wonder the EU resents the U.S. invading Iraq.

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