Saturday, July 31, 2004

Be careful of what you wish for

Canadians are overwhelming in favor of Kerry. The writer asks do they know who and what they are wishing for?
Read closely, then, Mr. Kerry's words to Democratic Party delegates on Thursday night: "We need a president who has the credibility to bring allies to our side and share the burden, reduce the cost to American taxpayers, and reduce the risk to American soldiers. In other words, Mr. Kerry is saying: We will listen and consult, but we will expect you (read other countries) to contribute more in money and personnel."

What would be the response? Would a new administration, as Democrats believe, encourage other countries to assume greater burdens? Or would allies, seeing the continuing violence in Iraq, not belly up to the bar, just as NATO countries and others failed to do in Afghanistan? It has paradoxically been easier for some countries to contribute less because the Bush administration did not ask, but how will they react if a Kerry administration asks them to do more? What if the Bush doctrine of “coalitions of the willing,” with the option to opt in or out, is replaced by “coalitions of the expected”?


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