Thursday, December 22, 2005


A story a few days ago about the aging and declining population in Canada must have raised a few concerns. Quick to assure readers, the Globe and Mail can happily report that Toronto has avoided that "hollowing out" that plagues North American cities for a number of reasons. Condos and population density changes aside, the real reason is that they are importing vast numbers of immigrants. You just have to look at the official Canadian census figures and the percentages. And then consider the implications of this demographic.

This isn't a problem unique to Canada. Virtually every Old European country has the same time bomb they are ignoring. California has a similar problem with a percentage of immigrants who do not wish to assimilate and a political power that doesn't have any reason for them to do so. There may be one small difference though. In the U.S. the more enterprising immigrant who does want to assimilate and become upwardly mobile can move to another state to find opportunities and escape the liberal plantation. That outward internal migration isn't happening in Canada.

Statistics Canada. Link

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