Friday, June 24, 2005

Leftwing Newspaper Guild

Linda Foley, president of The Newspaper Guild, on "right-wing hysteria" after her the-US-military-are-targeting-journalists-remarks was indignant about the new free press of the internet.
I gave one interview, to Editor & Publisher, figuring it was a credible publication that reached most Guild members in one way or another. But my cold shoulder didn't stop the right-wing media machine from blowing its whistle and barreling down the tracks anyway. They had a video webcast clip of my remarks, and they could air them!
The ! is hers. The real indignation is that her remarks could be remarked upon. For the Left that hasn't been their experience for the last 40 years as they could count on the See No Evil leftwing media to ignore the inconvenient reality.

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