Friday, June 03, 2005

David Warren on the EU 'Constitution' observes that "Meaningless Non".
The whole point of the proposed Constitution is to remove existing obstacles to the wheelings of the vast European bureaucracy, -- to make things run smoother-- as one advocate after another impatiently explained to the French electorate. Real democracy is an obstacle to any bureaucracy; can be guaranteed to put spanners in the machinery of control.
More than an economy is at issue, however. The aspiration to “streamline” a society from above -- which means in practice micro-managing the myriad human lives from a great height -- is alive and well far beyond Europe. The Americans get a taste of it in the power of their courts to re-interpret their Constitution, and overrule Congress.

We have had a good taste of it here, recently, as our ruling Liberal Party selectively ignored votes of confidence in the House of Commons. Or as we have “gay marriage” imposed on us, over the objections of a large majority of the population. Voting will not change anything. You have to take to the streets the way they did in Kiev.
That's the crux of the power play by the Eurocrats and the Democrats who resent any reform of our courts, the last refuge of the American socialists in our MSM, academia, and the Howard Dean/Hillary Clinton leftwings.

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