Monday, June 20, 2005

Durbin the Dunce

T. Bevan's commentary on Dick Durbin's partisan crassness.
DICK DURBIN'S TORTUROUS ANALOGY: Consider the following statement:

"We sat on our knees for an hour. Then they began slapping us on the back of our necks, real hard, and then they started pouring hot wax down our back.'"

If this described something that had happened at Gitmo, Dick Durbin would have decried it as a despicable form of torture that "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime—Pol Pot or others— that had no concern for human beings." Since this didn't happen at Gitmo, however, but is instead a description of a fraternity hazing incident, an analogy comparing Delta House with Auschwitz would look rather silly - just as Durbin looked on Tuesday.

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