Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Left is spinning like a top about now

U.K.'s Independent on purported German dismay at Cardinal Ratzinger's election as Pope.
An opinion poll last week showed that 36 per cent of Germans opposed his becoming Pope whereas only 29 per cent supported him.
With polls -/+ 3 that's a tie, isn't it? It does make you wonder what the other 35% though.

As for Reuters, Ratzinger is "controversial" and nothing he has done seems worse than this.
Ratzinger had disciplined Latin American priests who backed Marxist-influenced "liberation theology" to fight against social injustice and military regimes in the 1970s and 1980s.
I guess being opposed to heavily armed terrorists funded by communists from Cuba and the Soviet Union is highly suspect. Cuba and the Soviet Union, having, as they do such wonderful regard for human life and freedoms. /sarcasm off

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