Saturday, May 21, 2005

Whose constitution is it, anyway? Just asking.

Doesn't this tell you a lot about the European socialist EU? They are worried about people actually voting on the EU constitution. Ja or Non to the EU constitution?
And despite having the backing of all the major political parties there is a growing danger that the constitution will be rejected when people let their voices be heard in the first-ever national referendum here on 1 June.
[bolding mine] Those damn people are so unreliable.
Fears are being raised that people will use the opportunity of the referendum to register their unease on unrelated issues such as the introduction of the euro - widely seen as having led to higher prices - the accession of Turkey to the EU and disquiet with the current government.
You dare to criticize us, you peasants!!! Or as one "No" voter explained, "The feeling of the people is that we want to say no to what exists to prove that we exist."

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