Friday, May 27, 2005

The Christians are coming!!!

Canadians might not mind corruption and envelopes of cash passed over a table, and they take pride in their belief in multiculturalism and the "Can't we all get along?" pacifism and reliance on the corrupt U.N., but now they've got new and - shudder- worse worries!
At least three riding associations in Nova Scotia, four in British Columbia, and one in suburban Toronto have nominated candidates with ties to groups like Focus on the Family, a Christian organization that opposes same-sex marriage.
As some 50% of polled Canadians are also against same-sex marriage, I guess the point is that they should not act on their beliefs and enter the political fray. Only diehard socialists like the Globe and Mail would disenfranchise so many voters, following, of course, the European Union contempt for voters.

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