Monday, November 08, 2004

Sissy Leftists

Hysteria from The Guardian on our election results. Do you get the feeling that these people dress in purple and have nervous dispositions and shriek a lot in falsetto voices?
The drafters of the constitution understood that the tyranny of the majority could be more fearsome and destructive than the rule of an autocratic despot. Now, the majority rules, absolutely. There is no room for the dignity of those who fought on the other side.

It's got to be an excess of hormones. Atlantic Blog wonders about the hysterical intellectuals. Personally, I think the problem is the hormones and lack of self discipline. It is always possible, though, that this kind of thinking is what really worries our Lefty friends.

As for our opponents on these shores, some of them really make you understand the word disloyal. When you start rooting for America's enemies, you have a screw loose. As much as I disagree with Liberals and Leftists, I wouldn't wish for the death of American soldiers to bolster my resentments nor would I cheer America's enemies on. He may be, in his own mind, magnanimous, but it is only because his side lost the election that he was forced to consider his position. Where did so many people who think of themselves as magnanimous and free spirited learn to hate so much?

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