Saturday, November 06, 2004

Election Perspective

Count on Tim Blair for perspective on our election:

• Number of people who voted for Bush: 59,651,262
• Number of people who live in Britain: 59,600,000
- From Quentin George, one of his readers.

Tim Blair did a little research of his own, too, and a reader is starting a toothbrush drive for the British to demonstrate American compassion.

Various bloggers are posting world reaction to our election. Since most of the world also supports the U.N. and their idea of human dignity with Sudan, China, and Libya on the the Human Rights Commission, you can predict the reaction. Iberian Notes translates from a Spanish bulletin board. No Watermelons (crediting The Corner) has a unsigned Mirror item. What is instructive, though, is all the venom and hatred toward the U.S. is a media creation, shared by, if not generated, by our own media foremost. Our media just hide it most of the time, disguising their hatred of the United States by substituting an anti-war, anti-Bush screed 24/7. It would be more worrisome except that the decline in the influence of American media makes it entertaining to watch their self destruction as they are engulfed in circulation scandals and their pet Stepford journalists are Fisked regularly and satisfyingly by the Blogosphere.

And, let's face it, the U.S. is performing a public service of sorts. The kind of people the international and American media appeal to would be screaming for death to Jews if we weren't handy substitutes for their venom. It's that kind of mentality - mindless hatred - the kind that 60 years ago energized the European continent into the last world war, egging on the bullies who need to hate to feel anything.

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