Thursday, November 11, 2004

More *sigh* Democrat soul searching

This is the self-delusion of the Democrats as a consultant tells them what they should do to win elections. It comes down to pretending to be all the things they aren't. But the best part is their "Closing the God Gap."

It simply means that, as Bill Clinton did, we should show respect for the central role religion plays in the lives of the majority of Americans.

They actually believe that Bill Clinton's lip service to religion, showing up for church service with a five-pound Bible and returning on Easter to the Oval Office to be serviced by an intern is showing respect for religion. Democrats and their consultants actually believe we are so stupid we think their sudden pretense of tolerance toward average Americans means anything. Democrats allow their fringe groups to victimize the Boy Scouts, throwing our children out of schools and public buildings and parks, denying them funding because of their Christian beliefs, in effect persecuting them, and they actually hire twits to tell them that there's a God Gap.

Democrats embrace the NAACP who slander all Americans with outrageous charges and declare anyone who disagrees with them racist. Democrats encourage and embrace the ACLU as it seeks to erase any evidence of God from the public sphere to replace it with what? Socialism? Nihilism? There's isn't a God Gap. The Democrats are suffering from a morality deficit. They think lack of decency can be cosmetically covered up with a grand politicial plan devised by some paid political consultant. At least the consultants tell em that's so. But, then, they've been listening too those consultants too long already.

1 comment:

Norma said...

I don't have a lot of good things to say about Bill Clinton, but I do believe he is 1) a born again Christian, and 2) still married. That puts him ahead of a lot of his critics. He isn't perfect, only forgiven.