Thursday, August 18, 2005

Silly woman

What always exposes Liberal journos is their uncanny ability to distort the facts to fit their agendas. Take Margaret Carlson.
And however much the strain of 24/7 celebrity has dimmed her glow, Sheehan has focused attention on Bush's outsized amount of time away from the White House, when more than two years after he declared his mission accomplished massive attacks are killing Americans and Iraqis, and he simply keeps saying he's staying the course.
She looks utterly foolish to claim that president Bush claimed "his mission accomplished" two years ago. It's sophomoric and plain stupid. As is her complaint that he is taking a vacation in Texas. He works every day there. He isn't away from his office.. He is a away from a largely empty Washington. Congress is on vacation. His office is always open.. 24-hours a day.

What foolishness, Margaret. Makes you cringe, doesn't it?

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