Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Robert Scheer

Certifiably Leftist Robert Scheer on Tim Robbins' play and Judith Miller.
Unanswered was how this embarrassment came to pass. Miller is surely not stupid, so how was she duped so regularly for so long?

Raw ambition is one likely culprit, yet Miller's protection of her secret sources begs the question of whether she is ideologically loyal to the neocons who guided her for so long.
For Scheer, Judith Miller is embedded with the White House. But then anyone who doesn't actually foam at the mouth while uttering "neo Con" is complicit with the warmonger and his cronies at Pennsylvania Avenue.

You owe it to yourself to read some Scheer stuff just so you can visualize how demented the Los Angeles Times is. His wife was a senior Vice President at the newspaper. Scheer spewed out his leftwing venom in the pages for decades. At best he is a mediocre writer. He excels in anger and righteous indignation. You can find his columns at Working for Change and at his own site.

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